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What is grape seed extract

Grape seed extract is a natural grape seed extract from the effective activity of vitamin E and other nutrients together with the main raw material for refined nutrition. Grape seed extract is extracted from grape seeds of a human body can not synthesize new efficient natural anti-oxidant substances. It is the antioxidant found in nature, the strongest free radical scavenging ability of the material, the antioxidant activity of cellulose E of 50 times, 20 times more vitamin C, it can effectively remove excess free radicals in the body, with a super-strong anti-aging and enhance immunity. Antioxidant, anti-allergic, anti-fatigue enhance physical fitness, improve sub-health state anti-aging, improve irritability, dizziness, fatigue, memory loss and other symptoms.

Chinese name: grape seed extract
English Name: Grape Seed PE; Grape Seed Extract; GSE
Latin Literature Name: Vitis vinifera L.
Source: Vitaceae grape (Vitis vinifera L.) seeds.
Traits: red-brown powder, gas micro-, astringent taste.
Application forms: agent injection capsules

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Fooding Next Exhibitions:

Exhibition: WorldFood Uzbekistan 2016

Place:  Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Time: 16-18 March 2016

Booth No.: TBD