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Saccharin Sodium safety dispute

Saccharin Sodium safety dispute
  In 1958, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) began to manage the use of food additives, saccharin has been able in the United States was widely used, so it was included in the first 675 species "generally recognized as safe" (GRAS) food ingredients list into.
In 1972, the U.S. FDA under a long-term results of experiments in rats fed saccharin decided to cancel the "generally recognized as safe" status.

  In 1977, Canada, a multi-generation rat feeding experiments found that a large number of saccharin can lead to bladder cancer in male rats. To this end, the U.S. FDA proposed a ban on use of saccharin, but the decision was against the Congress, and passed a motion to delay the disabled.

  In 1991, the U.S. FDA to withdraw according to some studies the use of the proposal to ban saccharin. However, due to these reasons, the use of saccharin in the United States still need to be labeled "Use this product may be harmful to health, this product contains can cause cancer in laboratory animals saccharin." Internationally, the use of saccharin in rats carcinogenicity because these studies on the release affected to some extent, European countries continue to reduce the use of saccharin. But there are still people who hold different views, that saccharin is safe.

  The Chinese government has also taken Yajian saccharin policies and regulations do not permit the use in baby food. At present JECFA ADI is the daily requirement of saccharin per kilogram of body weight 0 ~ 5mg.

   Saccharin, who is a highly controversial sweetener. Researchers had it done some animal experiments, experimental results show that the substance has carcinogenic effects (mainly caused by bladder cancer, also may lead to uterine cancer, ovarian cancer and skin cancer, etc.), so the FDA in 1977, explicitly disable the material. But the food and beverage industry (and dieters) insistence, saccharin is still on the market. But by the late 1990s, products containing saccharin are affixed on the packaging warning label that saccharin is carcinogenic effects in laboratory animals. The Committee noted that the U.S. control the heat, the same people do not like a mouse bladder cancer, therefore, should remove the warning label.

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Place:  Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Time: 16-18 March 2016

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