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The history of emu oil
The history of emu oil
More than eight thousand years ago, emus (Australian ostrich) growth in todays Australian on the land. Emu Australias indigenous inhabitants of a protein-rich meat, hides, and the oil extracted. Soil civil emu oil to heal wounds, nourishing the skin, analgesic and anti-inflammatory. Thousands surface of the earth people who have been using emu oil to treat skin and muscle disease. Europeans are also in use since the 17th century, the emu oil.
Today, we farmed in the United States, a large number of breeding emus, emu oil obtained from the living "dinosaurs", will be able to create the miracle of the 20th century. It has deep penetration ability, healing of burns, incisions, skin rashes and other skin diseases. Emu oil can muscle pain, the analgesic effect; injuries, arthritis caused by arthritis, bursitis, and tendon go far therapeutic effect caused by sports activities. This prehistoric bird, the future of American agriculture, the development of new drugs, health products, beauty products and analgesic products are playing an important role.
1981, U.S. Texas Fan Depu City, Canyon ranch rancher Yadai Er - Nelson and Mr. Heidi - Nelson first began artificial breeding emus, for the U.S. market a new generation of meat supplies soon, they use scientific methods and a wealth of experience in breeding, emu oil contains rich nutrition and emu oil characteristics, the practical application of what treatment and nutrition. They also designed a set of equipment, drugs standard oil processing purification, Nelson one found things contained in nutritional feeding emu has a great influence on the percentage of emu oil contained in the treatment of substance. Processing methods is correct or not back to increase or destroy the beneficial features of emu oil.
At the same time, in Australia, Dr. George - Huo Bodai, triangular Western pharmaceutical companies, Olin Laboratory, Ai Lauderdale Laboratory, the Cordingly University of Western Australia and some other universities, Pitt - Gao Xi Boshi, etc., all of characteristics of emu oil extensively studied, and they all believe that feeding the emu food and nutrition and processing methods have a great impact on the quality of emu oil. Today, the obvious effect of emu oil in the treatment of various skin diseases, burns, arthritis, physical activity injuries and cardiovascular diseases, as well as interest in the people for the unique characteristics of emu oil, encourage the people more in-depth research and Emu oil product development.

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Exhibition: WorldFood Uzbekistan 2016

Place:  Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Time: 16-18 March 2016

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