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Meals nutrition and the formation of children's emotion are and the nature

Dietary nutrition of human emotions and personality affect the role of children is more apparent; this effect is mainly reflected in the nerve conduction neurotransmitters and energy two; targeted scientific and rational diet nutrition can effectively help children to eliminate the bad emotions, the formation of good character.

Develop childrens emotional development and character is mainly a social process is primarily a psychological process, but is closely related to childrens growth process, the formation and transformation of dietary nutrition to their daily mood and personality. After several decades of research, psychologists and nutritionists, psychological and emotional state of popular food factors. Any food can cause anxiety, anger, sadness, manic; some food pleasant, quiet, tranquility, this effect will eventually affect the persons character formation and transformation for the children is even more obvious .

German nutritionist Professor Volker Pader, the study found that contains fresh bananas can help the brain to produce the nutritional composition of the 5 - hydroxytryptamine, can make people feel peaceful, happy. He suggested that if the mistake of over-or nervous, or even lead to severe insomnia, may wish to eat a banana before going to sleep, will help you to successfully sleep and sleep more soundly. Llord such as 1996 found that a large proportion of breakfast carbohydrate can reduce feelings of fatigue and irritability, thereby improving mood. 2000 "psychological Neuropharmacology magazine reported that when the intake of experimental diet of healthy women acute lack of the body caused by amino acids (phenylalanine  tyrosine), can cause them emotional retardation and elevated stress score, especially in exposure to offensive psychological events. Cook and other residents in the 1000 European health survey, found that vitamin B1, vitamin B12, folate and fiber intake can affect subjects anxiety level.

The United States has a series of studies to explore the relationship between nutrition and young people and childrens emotional behavior, including attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, learning disability, aggressive behavior and psychological behavior are subject to the attention of researchers. The results confirmed that the young peoples eating habits can affect their mood and behavior. Young observed, when the lack of tryptophan in food, brain tryptophan and 5 - hydroxytryptamine levels were reduced, and the emergence of depression, aggressive behavior increases and a series of psychological and behavioral changes.

Why do peoples emotions so dietary effects? From a psychological point of view - physiology combination to consider the psychological reactions of the people; either emotional response of the body are accompanied by specific physiological changes. Known dietary emotional nerve conduction neurotransmitters, the energy in two ways.

Biochemical changes in the central nervous system of the state of neurons and neural transmitters and receptors, is a different emotional response is the most important material basis. Adjust the level of intake of certain nutrients can affect the neuron state or neurotransmitter function, you can change peoples emotional reaction to a certain extent, of which, 5 - hydroxytryptamine and acetylcholine is the most important neurotransmitters.

The neural regulation of the role of a variety of nutrients have been achieved by the neurotransmitter. For example, certain types of amino acids, these amino acids is a neurotransmitter or synthetic precursor of the neurotransmitter substance. The human brain has at least five kinds of neurotransmitter precursors can not be synthesized within the brain cells, but must come from food. Example: Tryptophan is the precursor of 5 - hydroxytryptamine; tyrosine is a precursor of dopamine and norepinephrine; the impact of these neurotransmitters or precursors in the blood content of the food supply. When the supply of amino acid imbalance in the diet can cause abnormal nerve conduction. In tryptophan generate 5 - hydroxytryptamine, for example, it affects almost every aspect of brain activity: from the regulation of mood, energy, memory and more advanced brain activity. 5 - low serotonin levels of people prone to depression, impulsive behavior, alcohol abuse, attacks and acts of violence. 5 - HT can protect neurons from the CTC damage of nervous excitement.

Vitamins nutrients on mood is also more apparent. The VB1 inhibit cholinesterase hydrolysis of acetylcholine, and active high VB1 content of nervous tissue, the lack of human VB1 will show depression, anxiety, irritability, apathy and other psychiatric symptoms. Vitamin B6 active form of participation in many enzymatic reactions, and to maintain normal levels of neurotransmitters, including 5 - serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine and gamma-amino butyric acid, etc.. The Guilarte think VB6 lack of accumulation of brain abnormal tryptophan metabolites can cause seizures, but can also melancholy and insanity. Nicotinic acid deficiency caused by niacin, the prodrome performance to the spirit of the fatigue and irritability, depression, insomnia and other abnormalities. Severe niacin appear "3D" one of the symptoms, including dementia manifestations (dementia).

In recent years, studies have shown that omega-3 fatty acids are also two kinds of neurotransmitter function. The experiment found that, add eicosapentaenoic acid and arachidonic acid in experimental animal feed, the results of eating this feed the animals before the cortical brain regions, 5 - serotonin and dopamine levels were significantly increased, almost to the control animals twice as much. That omega-3 fatty acids for the use of 5 - serotonin and dopamine in the brain cortex to promote a certain function. Marine fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids, and nutritional epidemiological study found that residents in different parts of the fish supply and the incidence of depression. New Zealand residents, for example, less than the supply of fish in the Japanese dietary seven times their depression, the incidence of drop about 60 times higher than the latter. This correlation has been randomized controlled trials confirmed.

Calcium, magnesium, zinc, potassium and other mineral elements in synergy to maintain the stress of the nerve. Calcium is an important nerve conduction cofactor, to ensure the mental strong, cool-headed and improve peoples judgment. Calcium deficiency can affect the nerve conduction, the nerve and muscle excitability disorders, people will become sensitive, emotional instability, difficulty concentrating. Phosphorus is a key element of mental activity involved in the biological oxidation, regulation of energy and material metabolism. Plays an important role in the maintenance of the structure and function of the brain and nerve cells. Human zinc deficiency can affect intelligence, and interfere with normal learning and memory function. Some studies have shown that the normal function of the brain play can not be separated from selenium participation, lower body selenium levels, emotional state, would also fall.

Dietary energy material on the emotional impact of the glucose the brain needs energy substances, blood sugar abnormally low, it will cause attention, thinking and memory loss, fatigue can also cause serious and rude. nervousness, jealousy, melancholy mood. The study pointed out that many juvenile delinquents are low blood sugar patients.

The dietary nutrition can affect the mood of the children. To help children to control negative emotions, and maintain a healthy mental state, in addition to help children to maintain harmony and good personal relationships, but also good to improve the diet of negative emotions, to help him convert the emotions, and psychological barriers to form a good character.

To science diet, take the initiative to regulate emotions. When children who have emotional poor performance of certain aspects of life, should take the initiative to adjust the dietary supply of dietary nutrition theory, the childs emotional state regulation to a better state. For example, when children are subject to certain stimuli or intimidation, or encounter certain stressful situations, the hearts of panic, we should let the child eat food rich in vitamins and mineral elements, this will help balance the psychological pressure to eliminate the spirit of obstacles. Because under psychological pressure, the body will consume more than usual vitamins and mineral elements, only vitamin C is necessary to consume more than eight times the usual. A lack of iodine in food can cause a certain degree of psychological stress, poor mental state, then you can also add iodine-rich foods such as kelp, seaweed, shrimp and other seafood. In the childrens brash, bad temper, select calcium food, such as shrimp, milk, yogurt, etc., has a significant role to ease the pressure.

If a child is lower down, In addition to the lack of vitamin B and C, may also be a lack of calcium, copper, iron and other mineral elements or tryptophan. At this point, rich in these nutrients in more children to eat black beans, dried fruit, lean meat, apples, oranges and other food can be improved significantly. The daily intake of food types should be as diverse, in order to play the omnivorous Lee, improve the role of dietary improvement in mood.

Needs to be stressed, do not like to eat fruits and vegetables is very unfavorable to the emotions. The potassium in fruits and vegetables helps to calm nerves, emotional stability; the contrary, the sodium into the animal food, or salt, monosodium glutamate, baking soda makes the nervous excitement. In addition, the potassium for the body of excess sodium smooth excretion is extremely important; do not like children to eat fruits and vegetables, usually can not be an adequate intake of potassium, Therefore, excess sodium can not be fully discharged, the residue in the body become anxiety, emotional stability of the main reasons.

In addition, the deep-sea fish, low fat milk, chicken, etc. are able to help children have a good mood food, Harvard University study reported that fish oil omega-3 fatty acids, commonly used antidepressants such as lithium carbonate have similar role; warm milk has always been there to calm and ease the emotional role, chicken rich in nervous system function can be maintained to eliminate irritability and mood of vitamin B12.

Second, a reasonable diet to help children develop good character. The formation of character is a long process, targeted reasonable diet will help us to rectify unhealthy tendencies in the childrens personality development, the formation of good character.

Self-centered, self-willed or excited irritability, it is difficult to control the emotions of children, we must first get rid of excessive sugar intake, dietary habits, because the high sugar content in the diet causes the blood sugar to rise, the pancreas to secrete large amounts of insulin, while The increase in insulin will lead to the Vice excess secretion of adrenaline, resulting in irritability, irritability and emotional instability. To intend to let him eat more alkaline, calcium-rich foods like milk and shrimp, crabs, fish and seaweed and so on. Calcium inhibit the brain excitement role: if the brain systems have adequate calcium, it is easy to maintain emotional stability; calcium deficiency may be emotionally disturbed, easily angered. Often lit a restless child qi, usually to drink more water, eat spicy spicy food and too greasy foods, eat more fresh vegetables, fruits, keep the stool is not dry, urine is not cloudy. Stubborn child, you should first reduce the consumption of meat, but eat more fish, vegetables, green, yellow-based, reducing salt intake, light-based diet.

Indecisive, undecided or negative, dependent children, to establish a meat eating habits as an important dietary ingredients, and eat lots of fruit, vegetables, eat more foods containing vitamins A, B, and C, in particular vitamin B1 class food, such as pork, mutton, wheat germ, and fish and shellfish, soy products, etc., these foods to strengthen the independence and endurance, helps to strengthen the judgment and to develop self-reliance, positive personality; occasionally eat some spicy food, and sometimes produce unexpected results.

Children, lack of trust, indiscriminate suspicion in the diet is calorie intake too low, fish protein deficiency can cause anemia, lack of physical, emotional, nervous, people do not trust. Be sure to eat protein-rich foods such as beef, pork, etc., to eat more dairy products, drink plenty of milk. If we can continually eat these foods, the physical will soon resume, suspicion, disturbed emotional state will disappear.

Anxious children, more common in the salt in the diet on the excessive intake, resulting in abnormal water metabolism. Eating habits are often early, dinner, a meal eat, eat fast. Adjustment method is to eat foods rich in calcium, phosphorus, such as peanuts, milk, soybeans, orange, oyster, honey, liver, beans, etc., at the same time the diet should be light, should not taste too heavy.

In short, in the process of childrens emotional development and character formation, the dietary essential role, we should be the basis for dietary nutrition and physical, psychological laws, and to adjust their dietary supply of scientific and rational, so that they are healthy and happy emotional state of growth, the formation of good character.

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